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Have you ever done anything and after doing it you wished to yourself that you could go back and change things, and you would never do it again? You have said something to someone and after you said it you wish you could take it back! But cannot change the past, you cannot take it back, so you have to live on wishing you could go back.
  My friends, you can't change the past, but you can change the future, you have a chance right now to make sure your future is set and your name is written down in the Lamb's book of LIFE go ahead and do it, and make that decision today, because tomorrow never comes! I love you and I want you to be saved by the grace of God and sealed by the Holy Spirit so that I will see you in that great city of God when we leave this world, Amen! 
I hope you are asking yourself "I want to go to heaven when I die and I sure don't want to go to a devil's hell and be in outer darkness the rest of my eternal life separated from God and all my loved ones. So what do you need to do?

Here's what you need to do, do it right now, please! I want you to click on this button and it will take you to a new page and everything will be explained to you, thank you so much and God bless you.


I am an evangelist/teacher/coach in Biblical studies. I am a graduate of Liberty University Bible College 

I have been a pastor of two churches and a Chaplin at the local prison for over thirty years. And a student of the Bible for over forty-eight years, I became a Christian on November 9th, 1975. I was called to preach in 1979 and ordained in 1981.

 I got married in 1979 to the greatest wife a man could ask for Bonnie Annette Wilson/Whaley and have three beautiful children, two girls, and a son. Amanda Lynn, Brittany Annette, and last but not least

Bryan Lee. I have eight grandkids. Eli, Isabelle, Abigail, Reed, Everlee, Valor, Boone, River.

I am retired early and I thank God almighty that I'm still here to enjoy my life and family.

But now it is time to finish the race that God has set before me, it is time to complete my call and that is to tell a lost and dying world that Jesus Christ loves them, and He died for them on an old rugged cross and rose from the grave and is alive forevermore, seeking and saving those who are lost! Soon to return for His bride, that has been saved by His grace and washed in His blood and ready to meet Him in the clouds, the question is simple are you ready to meet God?

Reaching the world with the great news that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven.

John 14:6

Reaching the world with the great news that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven.

John 14:6



How I Can Help You

If you have any kind of questions on the Bible I would love to discuss it with you, so please sign up for a free ZOOM session, and let's talk about it. 
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